© 2024


Water & Wastewater Engineering (WWE) was appointed to conduct the upgrades to our water treatment works. The applied technology was appropriate and the results are outstanding.
I Theron (Bergrivier Municipality)
Die opgradering van waterwerke vir oksidasie van yster en mangaan (proses verbetering t.o.v water kwaliteit en besparing op chemikali?). Die monitering van beide drinkwater en riool uitvloeisel asook die raadgewer m.b.t proses verbetering. Bogenoemde funksies is deurlopend deur Water & Wastewater Engineering gemonitor en die finale produk getuig van hulle toewyding en betrokkenheid.
B Schippers (Cederberg Municipality)
Die professionele wyse waarop u so 'n projek hanteer het word opreg waardeer.
JJ Hoffman (Weskus Distriksmunisipaliteit)


RO Building Water & Wastewater Engineering is a medium size company that specialises in the field of water and wastewater treatment. Our head office is situated in Technopark, Stellenbosch with another office and laboratory in Beaufort West.

Water & Wastewater Engineering specialise on the following aspects of water and wastewater treatment:

  • Water reclamation
  • Sea water desalination
  • Wastewater treatment
  • Water treatment
  • Process design
  • Civil design
  • Mechanical design
  • Electrical design
  • Project management
  • Operation of treatment plants
  • Monitoring

The success of our projects lies in the fact that a dedicated team is allocated to a project from start to finish. With this methodology, good continuity is maintained.

Water & Wastewater Engineering recently completed the Beaufort West Water Reclamation Plant (WRP). The Beaufort West WRP is the first direct (toilet-to-tap) water reclamation plant in South Africa. The works was completed as a Public Private Partnership structured as a Finance, Design, Build, Operate and Transfer project. The plant was commissioned on 15 January 2011 and is providing water of excellent quality.

We are very well established in the field of water and wastewater treatment and have an open working relationship with the tertiary educational institutes in the Western Cape, being the University of Stellenbosch and the University of Cape Town. This co-operation keeps us up to date with the latest technologies.